Dinnie Window - Huntly Arms, Aboyne

​A couple of years ago, I gave Michael Zappert a hand to replace the leaded windows in the Gazebo of the Huntly Arms, Aboyne. Today we were back there to remove the famous “Dinnie Window”, a large window commemorating Donald Dinnie (1837–1916), the famous Scottish strongman who was born nearby, at Birse, just outside Aboyne.

The window is in excellent condition, and had only one section needing replaced, and a couple of pressure cracks. The upper and lower secions were very long and thin – over 2 metres long and less than 30cm wide, and the wooden frame holding them was in a pretty bad way. Every time the door to the room opened, the whole window wobbled, putting the fear of God into the joiner. Hopefully I’ll post more images once the panel is installed into the new frame.

Gordon Watt