Restoration work at Elim Pentecostal Church, Aberdeen

Morning Glass Designs recently completed a large stained glass project, including  restoration of zinc-framed glazing and the installation of 6 new windows at Elim Pentecostal Church in Aberdeen. The Lottery funded repairs involved the cleaning and renovation of the circular and lancets at the front of the church, the construction of 13 new lancets at the rear and the restoration of the zinc-framed tracery panels at the head of each lancet pair.

The circular windows fronting Marischal Street consisted of a central leaded roundel in a zinc frame. Heavy staining of the glass (most probably from shipping at the harbour, as well as road traffic) was removed from the zinc quarried glazing, and damaged sections made good. The zinc frames on each round window were flattened, the central leaded roundels removed, releaded and reinstated, and the lancets cleaned.

The S, W and E aspects of the church had their leaded glass windows removed in the mid 1980's. After we'd designed and installed the replacements, an old photograph of the church interior was found showing how the originals looked - with the exception of the hopper vents, we'd guessed pretty much spot on.

During renovation work by Cheyne's (principal Contractor) an addition window was uncovered. This three light window with tarcery was restored, with an additional three windows built to the same style.